Who’s Key? MyKey.

12 10 2008

Last week, an article was published in the New York Times announcing a new device to keep teens safe in the car. “MyKey” was introduced by the Ford Motor Company as a way for parents to slow down their teenage drivers, even when they aren’t in the car.

According to the article, “MyKey allows parents to limit teenage drivers to a top speed of 80 miles per hour, cap the volume on the car stereo, demand seat belt use and encourage other safe-driving habits.”

The MyKey feature will begin in 2010 on the Ford Focus and eventually many other Ford, Lincoln and Mercury models will come equipped with it.

Obviously, driving is a huge part of the travel/tourism industry—it’s how many people get to the destination! So, what do you think the implications of a device such as “MyKey” are for the travel industry?

Will teens be allowed to travel to further destinations because their parents feel safer? Or will this technological advancement create a burden for the travel industry because it will take young travelers longer to reach their destinations with a maximum speed programmed into the car? What other ways can you think of that this technological advancement might impact the travel industry?



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