Voicemail, please!

3 11 2008

Need to communicate a message to someone, but really don’t have time to talk? Or would it be rude to reply to someone via text message or e-mail, but you really don’t want to have to discuss your answer?

Well, slydial has solved all of your problems!

slydial, provided by MobileSphere, is a “free voice messaging service that connects you directly to someone’s mobile voicemail,” according to their Web site.

By dialing 267-SLYDIAL (267-759-3425), users can dial any mobile number in the United States and connect directly to the recipient’s voicemail. The recipient’s phone will not ring; instead, the message tone or alarm will simply alert the recipient that they have received a new voicemail.

The service is supported by paid advertising, so users do have to listen to a few ads before they are able to leave their message, but in some situations, that may be a small price to pay to avoid social awkwardness.

The slydial Web site offers a variety of potential “situations” where slydial would save the day! A quick sample is listed below:

Maximize your time.

You are working on a dozen different projects and have as many calls to return. Instead of being stuck on the phone with just one, leave each a voicemail with an update and you may just have enough time to enjoy Happy Hour.

Create the illusion of communication.

You maxed out your emergency credit card the first week of school. Your parents are looking for some answers. A text message isn’t going to cut it but a voicemail would mean that you tried calling them.

Don’t be a bother.

You just gave an awesome pitch to a potential client. You want to call him and thank him for the opportunity but you know he is in another meeting and don’t want to bother him. Leave him a voicemail and this personal touch may just tip the scales in your favor.

Just tell your side of the story.

You just partied hard last night and going to work is just not on your radar today. You dread having to call your boss and answering any awkward questions he may have. Instead just leave him a simple voicemail letting him know that you won’t be coming into work today.

Now, some critics believe that slydial is a deceptive, cowardly tactic to use on your friends, family or co-workers. Think about it—the title itself has built-in negative connotations. But, the provider emphasizes that there are a number of positive (sly as in clever) ways that users and recipients can benefit from the service as well.

Try it out yourself and see what you think!




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