Best of ’08- Technology Education Stories

19 01 2009

Yes, I realize my last post is all about a new year, and this completely contradicts that…but I thought it was an interesting overview nonetheless! 



E-School News published a list of the top ten most significant technology education stories of the past year in December.

And the winners are…

10. Students use cell-phone cameras to send and receive inappropriate photos.

9. JuicyCampus leaves a nasty stain on campus relationships.

8. ‘Botnet’ attacks put school computers under hackers’ control.

7. The power of online video is a force for good–and bad.

6. A landmark cyber-bullying case inspires new laws–and raises awareness of a growing problem.

5. The RIAA scores huge wins … and then alters its strategy to combat illegal file sharing on campus.

4. U.S. students get low-cost laptops aimed at children in developing nations.

3. Broadband policies spark debate as the U.S. slips farther behind.

2. Rising costs, and a tanking economy, hammer schools–forcing several key changes in behavior.

1. President-elect Barack Obama’s historic victory signals a shift in federal ed-tech policy.

What do you think? Are these note-worthy events? Or do you remember one that didn’t make the cut?