Virtual Fundraising

20 09 2008

One area of new media that I am interested in learning about is Second Life. I have never been in Second Life but have heard tons about it. Second Life is a 3-D virtual world in which users create avatars to represent themselves. View the video below for a brief introduction to the virtual world.

I have been especially interested in the use of the virtual world by nonprofit organizations. There have been a number of organizations represented in Second Life since its inception in 2006. They have hosted an array of fundraising events including one of my favorites—the “No-go Gala” held by the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of Canada. According to their Web site, the virtual event raised over $357,000!

The New Communications Review gives a number of awards each year, including a Nonprofit Virtual Worlds award. The winner of this award in 2007 was Converseon for their Plant-it 2020 campaign. The campaign allowed residents in Second Life to buy a tree that would be planted in the virtual world for 300 Linden dollars (approx. $1.50 U.S.). Whenever an avatar purchased a virtual tree, a real tree was planted in an endangered rainforest in Africa to aid in reforestation. Various other social media tools were also implemented throughout the campaign. One reason I think this campaign was so successful is the fact that around 70 percent of the Second Life residents are from outside the U.S. By having a global issue as their platform, it increased its success in Second Life.

The introduction of fundraising and benefits in Second Life really challenges nonprofit organizations to be creative and think outside the box for ways to profit from Second Life.