The Job Search

16 03 2009

Admittedly, the posts have been lacking recently. But, it’s been for a halfway legit reason, I’d say: I’ve begun the job search! 

While I’ve always heard the saying “finding a job is a job in itself,” I never truly understood what it meant- until now. I’ll spare you the lamenting over the hours I’ve spent on the hunt and just share a neat job-searching story with you instead.

Jamie Varon, an avid Twitter user, developed a gutsy, yet incredibly creative campaign to get hired by Twitter. She developed an entire Web site about why the company should hire her. The site was spread virally through Twitter and according to the site, has acquired more than 28,000 hits in just a few days! She boldly states why she wants to work at Twitter and how she would be an asset to the organization. She also blogs about relevant ideas she has for Twitter, such as “4 Ways Twitter Can Make Money.” This out-of-the-box thinking has increased Jamie’s online presence no doubt. Do you think it has increased her chances of getting hired?

Twitter Should Hire Me

Along with many of her followers on Twitter, I think that the ingenuity and drive that she has displayed through this campaign should get her an interview at least. I think a passion for what you are doing is one of the most important attributes an employee can possess, and this girl clearly has passion. 

But, an interesting issue is what, if any, effect her passion and creativity will have on the job search for the rest of us. Do you think that this unique job application will become more common as social media platforms and Web development become more common? Will the standard cover letter and resume ever disappear? 

The traditionalist in me says no. But, I bet most people never thought a thank you note would be sent via e-mail either…