Is social media making money?

27 01 2009

The UGA PRSSA student-run PR firm (Creative Consultants) had a year-end presentation competition  and my team received 3rd place! As part of our prize, we were given the opportunity to tour Jackson Spalding, a local public relations firm. 


After a brief tour and several interesting facts about the company’s history, the group sat and chatted with three of the firm’s employees. I was so surprised at the amount of time they invested and the candor they displayed as we discussed everything from industry trends and new media to interview tips and vital skills.  The discussion was very informative and introduced me to a new perspective on several issues. One key take-away message I got from the discussion was that social media is awesome…but only if you can prove that it is increasing your client’s bottom line.

My generation is all about new media/social media (this entire blog is about it!) But, knowing how to use Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, YouTube, blogs, wikis, iPhone apps and many others is not enough. Young professionals need to be able to measure the return on investment and know which tools are the best fit for each client and each situation.


From a PR stance, this article about the Phoenix Suns basketball franchise provides a creative example of how PR and digital media can be intertwined to engage target audiences. For this NBA franchise, Twitter has allowed them to connect on a personal level with many of their fans. Twitter has also aided in media relations for the communications/PR department- and, we all know that good media relations= good PR!